Potato tissue culture protocol for the rapid propagation


Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an annual plant in the nightshade belonging to the family (Solanaceae), grown for its starchy edible tubers.

Explant source

There are some prominent explants for potato micropropagation as given;

  • Meristem
  • Tubers
  • Shoot cutting


  • Pretreat the potato shoots by growth at raised temperatures (32-37 ℃).
  • Surface sterilizes the cut shoots.
  • Excise the apical and axillary meristems (length 0.3-4.7 mm).
  • Transfer the excised meristem to a filter paper bridge in a tube containing a liquid culture medium. (Musrahige and Skoog Culture media is most suitable to tissue culture potato plants)
  • After culture at 20-25 ℃, when shoots emerge, they can be rooted and potted out.


The terminal portions of the stem were cut into 5cm lengths, the leaves were removed by gentle peeling, leaving the base intact, and the stem was thoroughly washed under running tap water for 30-40 minutes. The explants were then soaked in a 250 ml sterile jar containing sterile distilled water with 2-3 drops of Tween 20. The jar was placed on a gyratory shaker for 15 minutes. The explants were given a quick dip in 70% ethanol for 5 seconds followed by placing in 20% NaOCl containing 3 drops of Tween 20 on continuous but very gentle stirring on a gyratory shaker for 30 minutes.

Growth conditions

Solanum tuberosum requires temperatures (32-37 ℃) for efficient growth with 16h light per day.


The highest numbers of multiple shoots were obtained in the MS medium supplemented with 2.5 mg/l Kinetin.

Ms salt  4.43g/L

sucrose  30g/ L

Kinetin  2.5 mg/L

pH    7.6-7.8

potato shooting

FIG, (a1) Gudience variety rooting stage of tissue culture of Solanum tuberosum.


MS salt and 3% sucrose supplemented with IBA 1.0 mg/l and IAA 0.5 for efficient root growth.

Ms salt  4.43g/L

sucrose  30g/ L

IBA  1.0 mg/L

IAA  0.5/L

pH    7.6-7.8

FIG, (a2)  Gudience variety shooting stage of tissue culture of Solanum tuberosum.

For more details visit the given link below;



Miller, L. R., & Murashige, T. (1976). Tissue culture propagation of tropical foliage plants. In Vitro-Plant12, 797-813.

